SaNa Massage and Bodywork

Massage Balances the Body Naturally


Happy New Year 2025: Year of the Snake

I wish for you all that you want, need and desire.  May it all be yours!


Happy New Year  2024: Year of the Dragon!  


I will hold a space for you because the world doesn't always slow down
Offer you a place to lay your head to remember stillness and quiet
and brush away what does not serve with innocent hands.

I honor your Body.  

Thank you for finding me. 


SaNa Massage & Bodywork


A place to lay your head and have it be all about your relaxation and comfort.  Thank you for finding me.


Touch...Platonic touch heals and nourishes the soul.  We all need that.


Never give up on your creative dreams. -Journal


There is a morning inside you waiting to burst open into Light. 



SaNa Massage...

I will hold a space for you because the world doesn't always slow down
Offer you a place to lay your head to remember stillness and quiet
and brush away what does not serve with innocent hands.


I honor your Body.  

Thank you for finding me. 


SaNa Massage & Bodywork



THE #1 most appreciated touch on the body....

Scalp massage.  It never fails.  It's the best part of a full body massage.   :)



The #1 ignored problem area on clients....

The calves.  Do you have back, hip or neck and shoulder pain?  Our feet and calves take the full end point pressure of our every day lives.  It affects every other part of the body and it's alignment.  Focus on the calves and feet at every session.  



Gift Certificates are an amazing offering.  Everyone on every occasion loves the gift of relaxation.....Especially before or after Thanksgiving. ;)

See the Gift Certificate Tab



Stretch This Muscle Often

The Quadratus lumborum is a very strong muscle of the lower back.  It can be the cause of many low back pain complaints because it stabilizes the upper and lower body and, therefore, prone to tension and being overworked.  Keep it supple and flexible with regular side bending stretches.  It can also harbor trigger points which refer pain into the sacrum and buttock.  If you have pain specifically in these area's, ask for trigger point therapy in the Quadratus muscle.


Rejuvenate and Energize with Massage

A 75 Minute Massage is like catching up on 3 hours of sleep. Rejuvenate and energize the body, mind and soul with a relaxing massage.   



Keep Your Immune System Toned

It's officially FALL!!! Ramp up your self care for the cold months ahead with a massage every 3-4 weeks. Massage tones and invigorates the lymphatic system which is the superhighway for the immune system.



3 Secrets to Getting a Better Massage

1) Be willing to ask for a quiet session.  Some therapists can be chatty during a session and if you don't want that, it's ok to tell your therapist that you want a quiet session.  They will not be offended as massage therapists only want clients to be happy with the work.  

2) It's ok to ask for a specific amount of time on an area that is bothering you.  For instance if your lower back is hurting and you want to make sure it gets enough attention don't hesitate, at the beginning of a session, to ask for at least 5 minutes on the area in question.  Massage therapists do know there may be imbalances in other parts of your body that are causing that pain and want to address them but this way ensures you still get that "Oh that feels so good" feeling too.  Also, if the therapist finds a spot or area that feels incredibly good when it receives attention, tell your therapist and feel free to ask for a specific time frame, if that is your expectation.  Being specific is the best way to get what you want.

3) This one is to drive home some of the last secret.  If your therapist gets to a tight spot you want him/her to remain on, ask him/her to stick with it.  All you have to say is, "That feels great! Can you hang out on the spot for a minute or two while I relax?"  This is a dream come true for any dedicated massage therapist as it helps to tailor the experience to your individual needs.

While in Massage School, giving and receiving feedback was an integral part of every class so it's quite normal to hear a client express what they want, where they want extra work and what feels the best.  We actually love it.  


SaNa Massage


Practice and Defense

Massage increases blood flow and increases lymph movement. The lymphatic system is the system that houses most of what we consider our immune system. Lymph doesn't have it's own propulsion system so it depends on the movement of muscles, skin and fascia to keep it moving. Massage moves all these layers thus stimulating lymph movment and helping a sluggish immune system. This is why we ask clients to increase water intake to help the body flush what's moving out.  Exercise, increased fluids and regular massage tone the body systems, increasing over all health and well being. Good stuff.
SaNa Massage



Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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